Hello and welcome to the new website!

For my long term clients the new website is very similar to the old. This blog is the only new addition and will be a place to find information we may have already discussed in our sessions! You’ll find stretches, home care techniques, tasty clean recipes, and random tidbits of information I find fascinating!

To any new or potential clients, here is a little window into my practice and philosophy. I truly believe we are all capable of providing our bodies and minds with a lot of the wellness we need. A massage or session with any practitioner is beneficial. However what makes the biggest difference is what you do day to day! Small daily moments of self care and self love may not seem life changing but over time they make a world of difference.

Today take a moment for a few deep breaths. Close your eyes. Feel your mind and body settle from whatever busy thoughts you have going on. Allow yourself to rest here for a few moments knowing you can tackle the rest of the day with a peaceful mind. Perhaps do this as you finish reading my little blurb or drop everything and try it out right now! 🙂 If you are here reading a massage therapy blog, you’re likely looking for some peace. So give yourself a small moment now.

So welcome! Please feel free to ask questions or further explanations on any of my posts.

Thank you for stopping by, I hope your day is truly wonderful!



  1. Sunshine says:

    Just what the doctor ordeder, thankity you!

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