About Francie

About Francie Millar R.M.T, LD
Francie grew up in rural Saskatchewan on environmental/wildlife protected pastureland. After graduating high school she spent 2005-2007 living in the United States. First, in the Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska, working as a nanny. Afterwards, in Arizona, where she worked in a holistic daycare center. Providing toddler yoga, baby sign language, and infant massage. This is where healing touch became her passion. It was the Babies who brought her into bodywork and massage therapy.
Francie returned to Canada for the in depth program offered at McKay Career Campus (Saskatoon, SK) completing her two year diploma with honors in the spring of 2009. She then went on to start her clinic the same year and has been blessed to work with clients full time over the past 11 years.
Her clinic spans a wide range of clientele from newborns to the elderly, world class athletes, and everyone in between. She feels it is important to promote healthy living through experience. Francie's life is active with Strength Training, Yoga, Acro Hula-hooping, Clean eating, and Vipassana Meditation. She is also a member of the local Riversdale Potter's Guild, where she makes decorative and functional pottery.
In 2013, Francie began creating her dream practice. Focusing on supporting Women of all ages, children, and infants. She works with a number of autistic children and is passionate in supporting women as they transition through fertility treatments/pregnancy/motherhood and beyond.
In 2016, after years of independent study, Francie fulfilled a lifetime goal of becoming a Labor Doula. She completed her training through Birth Rhythms and Wise Woman Way Of Birth. This is the most in depth and comprehensive Doula training available in Canada, including over 200 hours of birth-specific study and hands on skills. She is deeply passionate and honored to support couples/partners as they journey into parenthood and the creation of their family.
~I will be taking a limited number of births each year while I continue to run my clinic full time. I love my clients of all ages and am excited for what this year will bring. The women in their 80's teach me just as much as the little ones still crawling. Humans are incredible inspirations and women are sacred teachers. I look forward to each appointment with true excitement for what Your body needs to address today.~
Women's Health
All women hold the incredible gift of strength and transformation.
This philosophy has always guided my work.
Humans are amazing but I find the journey of Womanhood to be a miraculous inspiration.
We are born into a world of joy and struggle.
Many of these struggles are common to all people regardless of gender. However, women are constantly shifting in life. We continuously transition over the years and our bodies have entirely different roles in each of these stages.
In childhood our bodies are androgynous. We learn to adventure and have a sense we can accomplish anything.
We then shift into puberty, beginning to find a sense of what it means to be a woman in our world. The body is no longer androgynous and our cycle begins to flow each month. Often the way we navigate our social world begins to change. We consider how we want to identify ourselves in the way that feels most true to who we are.
As we enter our adult life, we begin to develop a sense of our own beliefs. Looking forward with goals and dreams of the life we want to create. For some of us the journey of Motherhood begins.
Walking into Motherhood carries the most radical shift a woman will experience in her lifetime. Both physically and emotionally. Sometimes the journey to conception itself is challenging, forcing a woman to find peace with a situation that cannot always be controlled.
When pregnancy begins, the 9 months that follow are often filled with a wide spectrum of emotions. Excitement for dreams coming true, uncertainty of the responsibility, and fear of the unknown.
The process of birth itself is the most raw form of beauty that exists in our world. I believe it to be an incredible symphony. The movements a Baby must make to journey into the world. The dance a Mother’s body goes through to birth the little one. The harmonics a Partner/Support person use to make a space feel safe. And the magical creation of a Family.
Motherhood carries different challenges as the little one begins to journey through their own experience of the world. One day the Baby that was once small is now grown with goals and dreams of their own.
We then enter a new time of transition in Menopause. Our monthly flow begins to slow and eventually stops. The emotions in this time are complex and vary with each woman. A new sense of purpose, dreams, and goals are considered.
Life after Menopause carries a different rhythm. The opportunity for travel, self-discovery, and learning. Watching the Baby have babies of their own. Offering guidance when needed and remembering the challenges they once faced when Baby was still small.
I truly believe women to be sacred teachers. Although we often don’t view ourselves that way.
I consider it my deep honor to offer a space of safety and healing.
A place to find therapeutic work for your tissues and develop deeper self-awareness.
A place to feel empowered and informed about your body.
A place to feel safe at any stage in life, on any day.
A place to feel like the woman and human you choose to be.

Women's Pelvic Floor Essentials for Health Professionals
May 2017-In Progress
Pelvic Pain Relief
Instructed by: Isa Herrera
Extensive study on assessment and treatment of female pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and pelvic pain.
Natural Pregnancy and Childbirth Certificate
January 2017-December 2017
Wild Rose College
Instructed by: Sara Heglund
Comprehensive study on the use of herbs in pregnancy and childbirth.
Renewal of CPR/First Aid
June 2017
Shiatsu Acupressure Therapy Advanced
February-March 2017
Master Yuki Sugimoto
Professional Birth Doula Training- L.D Designation
September-December 2016
Birth Rhythms and Wise Woman Way of Birth
Instructed by: Lisa V. Kusch CLTD and Sarah Cochrane CLD
The most comprehensive in-class Doula training in Canada
Over 200 hours of learning and hands on study
Breastfeeding Education Workshop for Doulas
November 2016
Cindy Leclerc R.N and Jana Stockham R.N
Maternity Massage Therapy Workshop
May 2016
Axiom Career College
Exploring Fascia
August-October 2015
Modules 1,2,3,4,5
Studying the Fascial system at a cellular level
Implications for application of techniques
Renewal of CPR/First Aid
March 2015
Usui Tibetan Reiki
July 2014
Level One
Introduction to Philosophy of Reiki
Renewal of CPR/First Aid
January 2013
Craniosacral Therapy Level 2
June 2012
The Upledger Institute
Renewal of CPR/First Aid
September 2011
February 2011
Access Workshop
Introduction to philosophy of BodyTalk
R.M.T- Registered Massage Therapist Designation
June 2009
MTAS (Massage Therapy Association of Saskatchewan)
Board exams completed with honours
2200 Hour Remedial Massage Therapy and Hydrotherapy Degree
June 2009
McKay Career Campus
In-class Training
Diploma with Honours
Craniosacral Therapy Level 1
May 2009
The Upledger Institute
Introduction to Myofascial Release
April 2009
John F. Barnes
Introduction to Breast Massage
February 2009
Sephira Healing
Pam Fitchner, RMT
CPR/First Aid Certification
January 2009
Sports Massage and Sports First Aid
November 2008
Al Bodnarchuck RMT, SMT
Shiatsu Acupressure Therapy
March 2008
Master Yuki Sugimoto
Loving Hands Infant Massage
January 2007
Dr. Frederick Leboyer