Ah hello there!
The past couple months has flown by in a blur of busy sunshine. I realized today that I’ve been so busy in “realtime” I forgot to write something in blog time. 🙂
Today will be sweet and brief.
On a recent morning I bought a lovely little carton of strawberries. That tiny container has sparked a lot of thinking. I chose it quickly because the berries on the bottom seemed plump and juicy, then continued with my hectic day.
Later that afternoon I stopped to snack some berries and when I opened the box I was surprised by a simple life moment.
There, nestled in the center of all the berries, was a perfectly tiny white strawberry blossom.
Although it seems a small thing, this beautiful little flower made me pause.
All of us have the opportunity to experience at least one of these moments each day. On certain days there are many of these moments and perhaps on other days it’s harder to see them because of the whirlwind life can become.
When we take time to recognize these experiences for the beauty they hold, it feeds our soul.
The more you acknowledge these little wonders the more often they appear, because your eyes are open to see them.
Today I’d like to encourage you to see the tiny moment (or big one) and take a snapshot with your mind or camera.
I would love to hear about your simple moments if you feel like sharing in the comments below or in an email.
I hope your day is joyful and your special moment fills your heart.

warm July wishes,


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  1. Susy says:

    Wow! Great to find a post knkoicng my socks off!

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